Thursday, May 20, 2010

There is a reason I live in Altanta

I came home last night from church and my mom told me she recorded part of the news program for me to see. She told me they did a story on child trafficking that is happening here in Atlanta. I posted the link on my FB page, but I will also post it here. Atlanta is a hot spot for child trafficking because of our major highways and airport. There is easy access in and out of Altanta. The city also has more strip clubs per capita than Las Vegas, according to Alesia Adams, who works for the Salvation Army as a local service coordinator against human trafficking. That is horrible! Here is the link to the news story...atl child trafficking
Fighting this injustice has been my passion since freshman year of college when I learned of child soldiers in Uganda. As I gained more information about human trafficking, my passion grew. There are many times I want to ignore it. God keeps reminding me it is here and getting worse. Most people who know me know that I am passionate about this, but even with the passion, I struggle to be active. Recently, it has been difficult for me to sit round and do nothing. I have to believe there is a reason I live here in Altanta and have this passion. With most horrific stories I hear, I pray about it but nothing more. This I can't shake off. I have to do someting, I must do something. God keeps sending me information to remind me and keep the passion ignited. There is reason I am here at this time.

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